Case Studies



Year 7

Why did you choose to come to Springwest? 

Because all my family have previously attended.  It's like a family tradition.

Which lessons do you enjoy the most and why?

I enjoy IT as I like working on computers and I want to work in IT when I leave school.

Was it easy to settle in and make new friends when you arrived?

Kind of easy to settle in and make new friends.  I did come to Springwest with some of my friends and this did make it easier for me.  Although I did find it difficult to communicate with the people I didn’t know.

What Co-curricular activities have you taken part in?

I don’t think I have taken part yet in any Co-curricular activities.  But I do know where to look if I decide to join one.

What is your favourite thing about Springwest?

My favourite thing about Springwest is my lessons and coming to the year centre at lunch times.

What advice would you give to a student who is joining Year 7 in September?

Just be yourself and try to make friends.