Sustainability at Springwest

Colour Distinction


We are committed to making Springwest a sustainable school and having a positive, long term impact on the sustainability of our local area. In 2023 the first Eco-Committee was formed with a selection of students from Years 7-10. We know that many Springwest students care deeply about environmental issues and have a strong desire to actively protect our planet but it can sometimes be hard to know where to begin. The first thing the Eco-Committee did was to conduct the Eco-Schools Environmental Review which covered 10 topic areas: 

The committee work together to generate ideas about how to improve sustainability at school, represent the concerns and suggestions of their peers and lead on projects that bring about real change. The areas we’ve focused on this year have been: 


BiodiversityImproving our Springwest Blooms garden area to increase the variety of plants grown, create wildflower meadows, invest in a polytunnel for year round growing and to increase the number of students involved in the garden. All KS3 students have had lessons in the garden in either Science or Geography lessons and many are involved in the SW Blooms club after school on Thursdays. 


Litter picture

Increasing the number of bins around the school, conducting litter picks on site and in the local community and raising awareness of issues associated with litter through PSHE and whole school assemblies. From September 2024 there will be litter picking stations for any student/staff who spot litter to deal with it! 



Improving the recycling facilities in classrooms and office spaces across the school to ensure that all paper is recycled, reducing and reusing plastic waste and using the food waste from the canteen for compost in the Springwest Blooms garden. 
