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Attendance Reporting
Our Expectation
It is essential that your child attends school on time every day. If your child is not in school it impacts their progress. We expect our students to achieve 97% attendance. This is the equivalent of just 6 days of education missed over the year.
Understanding attendance
The diamond shows how we communicate attendance to our students. We talk about their attendance colour. The aim is for all students to remain in Green; days missed may see your child move into different attendance colours. When this happens we do our best to let you know to help you monitor your child's attendance. Every session counts, so even making it in for the afternoon improves attendance.
How do I report an absence?
You must report absence every day your child is absent. You can report an absence by:
Text: 07860 055 215 (preferred)
Email: attendance@springwestacademy.org
Phone call (leave a message only): 0208 831 3019
Ensure that you give your child's name, their registration group and a quick explanation for the reason of their absence.
If your child is unwell you must be specific about the symptoms they exhibit, i.e. 'a temperature of 38.4' not simply 'fever'.
We know that sometimes our pupils cannot come to school because they are really unwell - and that's the right thing to do for them and other students.
However medical advice is clear that children with mild illness will often be well enough to attend - for example if they have a cough, or cold, without a temperature.
The NHS guidance: Is my child too ill for school? - NHS (www.nhs.uk) is designed to support parents in their decision making about mild illness.
Do I need to provide evidence for an absence?
Yes, absences may only be authorised when supported by evidence. Authorisation cannot be made until the supporting documentation is provided. This can be a GP text confirmation/email, appointment card or hospital letter.
Please note that authorisation of absence is at our discretion.
What if I know of a future absence?
Holidays should not be taken during term time. Requests for term-time absences must be sent in writing for the attention of the Principal.
Complete the Term time leave form here or alternatively email attendance@springwestacademy.org with as much detail as possible and/or any support documentation.
Attendance 2023-2024
Number on Roll | Authorised Absence | Unauthorised Absence |
943 | 4.3% | 4.3% |
Mr M. Hearn (Vice Principal and Attendance Champion)
Email: m.hearn@springwestacademy.org