Springwest academy 4


To apply for a place in Year 7 for your child you will need to:

Make an application through Hounslow's School Admissions Service.

If you do not live in Hounslow, you will need to apply using the application process for the borough in which you live.

Further information can be found in our Admissions Policy on the Policies page.


School to publish Appeals Timetable on website no later than

28 February 2025

National Offer Day

3 March 2025

Closing date for parents/carers to lodge a written appeal

4 April 2025

School to acknowledge receipt of appeal no later than

25 April 2025                  

Last date for the school to submit their evidence

9 May 2025

Notification to appellants of date arrangements for their hearing no later than

16 May 2025

Clerk to send copies of all appeals paperwork to members of the appeal panel no later than

19 May 2025

Last date for appellants to submit any additional evidence

30 May 2025 
Appeal Hearings w/c 2 June 2025 
Decision letters sent Within 5 school days of the Appeal Hearing wherever possible

In-year appeals will be acknowledged within 5 school days. Notice of the hearing will be given within 20 school days of the appeal being lodged. Appeals will be heard within 30 days of the appeal being lodged. Decision letters will be issued within 5 school days of the Appeal Hearing wherever possible.

Click here to access our appeals form

Email: admissions@hounslow.gov.uk 

Telephone: 020 8583 2711

School Admissions Team
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

How to apply for a place once the academic year has started

If your child is already in years 7-11 and wishes to apply for a place at Springwest Academy, please contact Hounslow's School Admissions Service.  They will be able to tell you if we have spaces available in our school.


I can't thank this school enough and the teachers for how much my son has progressed since he has been here. You are all wonderful. The extra activities here, the arts, sports, dance and gardening are amazing


It was an absolute pleasure walking into lessons and seeing the positive relationships between teachers and students.


I often see your pupils in the morning when I'm taking my own kids to school and I'm really impressed with how polite, friendly and courteous they are. They are a real credit to themselves and your school.

Member of the public

‘Springwest has created a culture where all students have a sense of belonging. Pupils have high expectations of themselves in terms of what they believe they can achieve in life beyond Springwest Academy. Behaviour was exceptional. Pupils clearly feel safe and accepted, especially those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Visiting Headteacher

'Students are complimentary about school life, behaviour and safety. They are confident that they are supported through a range of interventions and the consistent availability of staff including tutors, pastoral mentors and heads of year.'

External Inspector

'Anti-bullying Ambassadors from each year group support the staff team in promoting the positive ethos and culture of the school, and being firm that bullying in any form will not be tolerated.'

External Inspector

Life at Springwest Academy

Year 7 Parent

Year 7 Parent

Year 10 Parent

Year 10 Parent

MFL Teacher

Ms Guest

Year 7


Year 9


Vice Principal

Mr Hearn