Springwest academy 10


"Pure Mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." - Albert Einstein


Maths is...

Mathematics is a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in all aspects of life. Beyond its practical applications, it develops essential soft skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, logical reasoning, and resilience.  Abilities that are highly valued across a wide range of careers, including science, technology, and engineering.

At Springwest Academy, our goal is to cultivate resilient, enthusiastic, and confident learners who believe in their ability to succeed. Mathematics equips students with powerful tools to describe, analyse, and make sense of the world around them. Those who are proficient in mathematics can think independently, approach problems with logic and creativity, and apply their knowledge in both practical and abstract contexts. As a universal language, mathematics connects individuals across cultures and disciplines, reinforcing its significance in an ever evolving world.

Sequence of Learning 

Year group

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Place value and calculation

Calculations, negatives and fractions Fractions and indices Algebra   Measures and areas Areas and FDP    
8 Expressions Angles and Formulae Area Equations and Sequences Number Theory and Coordinates Statistics
9 FDP - Non Calculator and Linear Graphs Linear Graphs and Transformations

Ratio, Proportion(Non Calculator) Angles and  Similarity

Angles, Similarity and Trigonometry Probability, Maps and Constructions Percentages, Maps and Constructions


Indices and Decimals

Algebraic Expressions

Averages, Range and
Representation of Data
Formulae and Equations

Factors and Multiples
Rearranging Formulae and Sequences

Coordinates and Linear Graphs
Unit 9 - Speed Distance and Time Revision


Indices, Surds and Decimals

Expressions and Identities
Circle Theorems

Primes and Bounds
Formulae,  Simultaneous Equations,  Sequences

Statistics and Probability

Coordinate Geometry
Advanced Fractions

Ratio and Proportion



Calculations, Rounding & Estimation

Measures & Real Life Graphs

Quadratics &  Non Linear Graphs
Fractions, Decimals, Percentages & Ratio

Unit 6 - Data & Probability
Vectors &  Similar Shapes Revision    


Further Trigonometry

Area & Volume

Measures &  Real Life Graphs

Equations & Inequalities

Non Linear Graphs & Functions
Further Stats & Probability

Vectors &  Exact Trig Values