Character Education

‘The aim of our studies is not just to know what virtue is, but to become good.’ – Aristotle

ACE School of CHARACTER   Quality Mark   Logo   for light BGs

In February 2024 we were awarded the School of Character Quality Mark by the Association of Character Education. 

Here is some of the feedback that we received.

'The school has skilfully applied the theory and pedagogy of character education, particularly from the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, and authentically embedded it within the context of Springwest Academy.'

'A culture of kindness and gratitude permeates the school.' 

'The school's taught character curriculum is exceptional.'

'Pupils spoke enthusiastically about the school's character days.'

'The school has cultivated a strong sense of civic service amongst its students. Pupils spoke at length and with enthusiasm about various volunteering, fundraising and social action-based activities they were involved in.'


Our Character Education curriculum is underpinned by the four virtues: Moral Virtues, Intellectual Virtues, Civic Virtues and Performance Virtues. These are fostered through critical reflection and ensure that students develop both a sense of curiosity and autonomy, which will prepare them well for life beyond school.

Our Character Education provision is informed by the approach of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, part of the University of Birmingham.

You can read about how our strategy was developed here.

Character Virtues Picture

Character Education 

At Springwest Academy we provide three main ways for students to develop their characters.

  • Character Taught
  • Character Sought
  • Character Caught

Character Taught

Our KS3 students learn about the virtues and our Springwest values through a carousel of lessons. Character lessons introduce them to Aristotle and the ‘Golden Mean’. Students have many opportunities to discuss and reflect on different virtues as well as undertaking various collaborative challenges to develop their virtues.

Character Sought

Our strong co-curricular offer invites students to develop their virtues through many different voluntary activities. For example, they may choose to develop their intellectual virtues through Springwest Scholars or Chess Club, their performance virtues through PE Prep or taking part in the school play, their civic virtues through Springwest Blooms or their moral virtues through Girls’ Voice or African Asian and Caribbean Club.

Co curricular

Character Caught

Our teachers consistently model our school values. For example, during our termly Reflection Week staff and students extend gratitude to each other. Staff also help students to understand where students are demonstrating our school values by explicitly labelling examples.

Character Portfolio 

Our Key Stage 3 students are encouraged to reflect on their character development through the Character Portfolio. Students consider how their lessons, co-curricular activities, trips, events and actions outside of school contribute to their virtue development. They also set targets for the following term.