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Careers Guidance
What is CEIAG?
CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) provides students with knowledge and understanding about their next steps after Springwest. We aim to build our students' ambition and confidence to enable them to make informed choices about their future education and employment.
Our weekly PSHE lessons, alongside our Character Education Curriculum at KS3, ensure that our students develop holistically. Therefore, they leave us with the employability and study skills needed to be successful in the world of work.
Our CEIAG lead is: Ms Dunn
Email: h.dunn@springwestacademy.org
Information for Students and TeachersGatsby Benchmarks
Our Careers Programme is developed from the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Career Development Institutes’ ‘Framework for careers, employability and enterprise education’.
The eight Gatsby Benchmarks are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
How is CEIAG Implemented at Springwest?
Year 7 | Students are introduced to our Springwest Virtues through our Character Curriculum. In both their Character lessons and on Character Days, they have opportunities to develop and reflect on these virtues. |
Year 8 |
Students develop their critical thinking and communication skills through their Character lessons which are underpinned by the Trivium. They also begin to think about what their interests are and the skills and qualities they might need when they leave school through Unifrog. From Year 8, students are able to be part of our collaboration with Aim Higher. |
Year 9 |
Students work with local charities through the First Give Programme. They complete research into the charity's vision, operations and marketing; allowing them to see first hand how a company operates. Option Choices Students have a live broadcast from each option subject that is offered for GCSE/BTEC over two weeks. We also host a GCSE Options Evening for students and parents to ensure that students make informed choices about their KS4 courses which is attended by our Innervate Careers Advisor. |
Year 10 |
The focus on Character Days is CEIAG. During these days, students will hear from local colleges, sixth forms and universities. They will also complete skills tests and reflect on their results, investigate different careers and begin writing college/ sixth form/ job personal statements. All Year 10 students have a mock interview with an external professional and receive feedback. In addition, we provide talks and assemblies for students on apprenticeships, local labour market information and different options for post-16. Work Experience All of our Year 10 students complete work experience in the summer term, allowing them to gain valuable real life experience. Last year's placements included: shadowing an MP in Parliament, working with an electrician, working at MRM communication solutions, working at media company UM London and working at local nurseries and primary schools. Placements are logged via Unifrog. WEX Letter |
Year 11 |
Our Year 11 students receive more personalised careers advice from our Innervate Careers Advisor. who meets students one on one. We also provide information to families through our Year 11 Post-16 Information Evening. All Year 11 students are supported to apply for their next steps by their HOY, tutors and subject teachers. They also have the opportunity to attend a careers fair in the autumn term. |
Our CEIAG Providers And Partners
Our CEIAG Providers and Partners
Useful Websites
National Careers ServiceInformation about ApprenticeshipsLocal Labour Market InformationUCAS Website
Post-16 Options Barclays Life Skills
Youth Employment - Careers Adviceguide to apprenticeshipsamazing apprenticeshipst levels