Springwest academy 7


On this page, you will find details about our curriculum offer at Springwest Academy. If you have any queries or wish to find out more about our offer, please contact us at info@springwestacademy.org.


At Springwest Academy, we provide an ambitious, knowledge rich curriculum for all of our students, regardless of start point, in order to promote social justice. All of our students are entitled to acquire the “powerful knowledge” that will enable them to move beyond their everyday experiences and ultimately be successful members of society.

Subject-specific knowledge and skills, guided by the National Curriculum Framework, are at the heart of our curricula. These are delivered sequentially, building on prior learning and promoting progression to help students to develop breadth and depth of knowledge.

To narrow the attainment gap and support successful learning, both now and in the future, our curriculum focuses on the following three pillars:


To widen vocabulary, increase knowledge and improve literacy, students are presented with a range of texts and benefit from dedicated focused reading time.


To improve verbal communication, deepen understanding and facilitate the application of new knowledge, students are encouraged to collaborate, discuss and debate.

Cultural Capital

To improve social mobility, students are exposed to a range of knowledge and experiences which broaden their horizons and increase ambition.


It is expected that:

  • All lessons will begin with a relevant ‘Do Now Activity’ (DNA). This should be largely retrieval.
  •  At Springwest we define learning as ‘Understanding + Memory’, therefore lessons focus on developing understanding of “powerful knowledge” and strategies are used to ensure that learning is committed to long term memory.
  • As the emphasis is on knowledge and subject specific skills, students should practise recalling and applying facts, vocabulary, key concepts and key debates.


The following assessments will be used to see whether pupils have learnt and can apply subject-specific knowledge and skills and to ensure that their depth and breadth of subject-specific knowledge is progressing over time.

It is expected that:

  • All students complete short, regular, knowledge recall tests known as Mastery Quizzes every 3-4 lessons.
  • A drafting process takes place through each unit of work with students receiving formative feedback to support in the creation of a model, or ‘best’ piece of work.
  • Students undertake summative assessments, known as Progress Checks, on at least 3 occasions in the academic year.

What can students study at Key Stage 4?

Core subjects:

English Language

English Literature


Combined Science

Option Subjects:



Early Years




Hospitality & Catering



Religious Studies


Travel & Tourism


There is a wide range of support for students, Heads of Years, Pastoral Mentors, teachers and tutors that can help you in any situation. There is always someone who will l look after you.

Student Feedback

The staff at Springwest are committed to the students learning. The teaching is great. Teachers are always going out of their way to help students.

Year 7 Parent

I just wanted to let you all know, I had a parent approach me at the farm yesterday, she wanted to tell me how kind and thoughtful some of our students were towards her 6yr old son on the climbing frames. She said the students let her son go in front of them and gave him a little help and encouragement. The students were all so well behaved and represented the school very well.

Member of staff

The Coaching approach to CPD is much better and useful than the traditional way of everyone sitting in a hall listening to one person speaking. It allows teachers to work closely together to focus on specific elements that can be tailored to their own teaching needs with guidance from Walkthrus


I can't thank this school enough and the teachers for how much my son has progressed since he has been here. You are all wonderful. The extra activities here, the arts, sports, dance and gardening are amazing


The trainees could not have been luckier to do their School Centred Learning at Springwest Academy – they have been exposed to so much outstanding teaching practice, and they have been able to experience so many different teaching scenarios themselves, that has set them up in the best possible way for September

Trainee Teachers

It was an absolute pleasure walking into lessons and seeing the positive relationships between teachers and students.


I often see your pupils in the morning when I'm taking my own kids to school and I'm really impressed with how polite, friendly and courteous they are. They are a real credit to themselves and your school.

Member of the public