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Springwest Shines
At Springwest, we provide many co-curricular activities and opportunities for students to shine. Our co-curricular activities complement our Character Education Framework, providing students with opportunities to develop their intellectual, civic, moral and performance virtues. For example, students can attend Chess Club to develop their intellectual virtues, Girls' Voice to develop their moral virtues, PE Prep to develop their performance virtues and the student council to develop their civic virtues, amongst many other clubs.
Please see the link below for our co-curricular timetable.
Co curricular timetable 2024 to 2025
Performing Arts Co-Curricular Offer
We are exceptionally proud of our Performing Arts Co-Curricular offer; our wide range of events, activities and opportunities ensure that every student has a chance to shine.
Students are able to access:
- Instrumental lessons
- Production opportunities including the annual school musical
- Dance Company
- School choir
- Rehearsal space
- KS3 lunch clubs (including Music, Dance and Drama)
- KS4 Performing Arts Ambassador Programme.
Examples of Performing Arts opportunities for 2022/2023:
- Our in house Evolution Dance Company have the opportunity to perform in a range of competitions and performances. Highlights from 2021/22 included Destination Dance in Liverpool & the world famous Sadler’s Wells
- We take part in the Annual National Theatre Connections Project where students to have the opportunity to be involved in the staging of a play commissioned by the NT, culminating in a performance at the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith
- Regular trips throughout the year. Highlights from 2021/22 included Cirque Du Soleil at The Royal Albert Hall, Small Island at the National Theatre and Move It Convention at ExCel.
- Wide range of workshops from visiting professionals, such as Pros from the Shows, Dance Umbrella & Donmar Warehouse
- Ongoing working relationships with Hounslow Youth Music, Feltham Arts & St Mary’s University
Physical Education Co-Curricular OFFER
Springwest's PE co-curricular offer continues to grow year upon year and we are overjoyed with what students are achieving as a result of co-curricular engagement. The variety of events, activities and opportunities the students can engage in ensures that confidence is boosted, they develop new abilities and interests, they strengthen social skills which helps to identify and develop inner talents (i.e. finding the next Mo Farah) or leadership qualities. Above all, our co-curricular offers an important space to just have fun and relax away from the pressures of school work!
Examples of exceptional opportunities students have:
- Inhouse Sports offer where students have the opportunity to regularly train, and represent the school across a variety of sports and compete in fixtures/competitions across the borough. Highlights from 2022/23 include Year 9 & 10 Teams respectively winning their leagues and students being selected to represent at county competitions.
- Duke of Edinburgh Award - where students explored and developed navigational skills and camp craft skills, showed resilience and overcame personal challenges. Workshops delivered by visiting professionals e.g. Harlequins/ London Irish Rugby and Brentford Football Club, Wall Climbing and Trampolining on offer outside of the curriculum
- Ongoing, strong partnership with Sports Impact which allows both our KS3/KS4 Leaders to support the leading of Primary School sporting events on site.
- Engagement in National Sporting Programmes e.g. YST Active in Mind Programme - where Olympic Athletes train KS3 students to lead others and help develop both their physical and mental health. Game On programme - part of England Football and Youth Sport Trust (YST) designed to develop student leaders who will inspire, engage and create more meaningful, fun football opportunities in school.