
Good luck Year 11

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Posted on / June 10th 2024

As we enter the last full week of GCSE exams for Year 11, Mr Corps, Ms Patterson and the whole of the Year 11 team and staff would like to wish them all the best of luck for their plans after they finish, whether that be employment, sixth form, college or an apprenticeship/training. 

We have been so proud of our Year 11s as they have worked tremendously hard towards the end of their education and their final exams. It wasn't the easiest of starts for them on their Springwest journey, with lockdowns in both Year 7 and 8, but they have overcome all these challenges and it has been such a delight to see them grow and mature over the years. They will be leaving Springwest soon as responsible young adults and although we will miss them a lot when they do leave, we know they have a bright future ahead of them.