Best work


Learning Circle   Assessment

At Springwest, we regularly assess students in a variety of ways throughout the term. Students are taught to self-assess their work through green pen marking and teachers are constantly circulating to support and monitor progress. Students will self assess Mastery Quizzes during lessons. In addition to this ongoing assessment, students will receive a piece of work that is formally marked with detailed feedback at least once per half term. This is done in the form of Best Work or Progress Checks. For more information on these forms of assessment, please see below. 

Mastery Quizzes
Students complete frequent Mastery Quizzes in each subject. These quizzes provide an opportunity for students to engage in retrieval practice, allowing them to actively recall previously taught information. This approach has been proven to significantly enhance long-term memory retention and allow students to have a deepened understanding of the content taught. 

Best Work 
Students complete a piece of 'Best Work' each half term, receiving formative feedback from their teacher on what they have produced. Students are then given the opportunity to review and improve their work based on the feedback given by their teacher.

Progress Checks 
Students complete a summative Progress Check Assessment at different times during the school year depending on their year group. They will be informed by their class teacher when they have an upcoming assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to provide a current snapshot of student achievement. This data will be shared on student reports. Students will then complete a Reflect and Reteach week where they would focus on misconceptions identified in the assessment.