
Springwest students win £1000 for charity

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Posted on / July 2nd 2024

On Monday 1st July our Year 9 students took part in the First Give final. First Give is a programme which supports students to make a positive change in society and therefore it helps to develop Civic and Moral Virtues.

Our Year 9 students worked with local charities to raise awareness and money for important causes. During the final, six groups shared presentations about their chosen charities and what they had done to support them. 

All of our students displayed excellent Performance Virtues by creating interesting presentations and speaking passionately about their charities. The winning group, Fouzia, Fatima, Nyah, Esther and Samadrita delivered an excellent presentation about the charity Safer London including how they'd completed two fundraising events for the charity, created a video to raise awareness and met with their charity rep at school. They were awarded a £1000 cheque for their charity. Congratulations to all students who took part in the final.